all boating enthusiasts.....
Come visit the Mediterranean!
The Mediterranean Sea - bordered by three continents
and 22 countries:
Gibraltar, Spain,
France, Montecarlo, Italy,
Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania,
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt,
Libya, Tunisia,
Algeria, Morocco and the island-States of
Malta and of Cyprus,
each with its own
language, culture and history.
There are six large islands: Majorca, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete and Cyprus,
plus a total of around 3300 smaller
islands: Spain 8, Italy 60, Croatia 1185, Greece 2000
It would take a life-time of sailing to visit them all!
Rome, Venice, Constantinople (Istanbul),
Carthage, Cairo and
Athens, capitals of the ancient maritime empires, are a must
to visit for those who surely are descendants of the ancient navigators and conquerors,
and who have an innate,
adventurous desire to travel, to explore, to learn and to discover.
Take a long cruise in the Mediterranean on your yacht and follow the adventurous course of
Ulysses, or of the ancient commercial Phoenician navigators, and shelter in the very same
harbours, only a day's comfortable sailing from each other,
where today you will find all the necessary services and facilities to make it all much
easier for you.
Enjoy the wealth of the many local
dishes and wines, the pleasant sunny climate that ensures you year-long
cruising, the azure, clear, warm waters
and the friendly peoples living its shores. Explore the infinite islands, the dazzlingly
white-washed towns and the ruins of many a glorious past,
stretching back 6000 years or more and cover the major steps
of modern mans cultural
and spiritual development. It is no surprise that the Mediterranean was
in fact
the birth-place of Modern Man
and of Western Culture.
Nowhere will you find such a compact variety of tourist destinations.
The distance from Miami to Bermuda would take you half way across the whole length of the
Mediterranean Sea,
and along the shores of eight countries. Whereas a few days cruise from Venice
to Athens, some 700 nautical miles, takes you through six countries
and to well over 1000 islands .... and through 3000 years of history!
Being a closed sea, the Mediterranean
does not have the length of fetch of the oceans, which can whip up monstrous seas
in a storm. There are no hurricanes or tidal problems in the Mediterranean to worry
and the many islands will often provide shelter in their lee side from any uncomfortably
disturbed sea.
And whats more, there are no
sharks or poisonous fish to haunt swimmers,
which you will find in most tropical waters.
So do come
and enjoy an unforgettable cruise in the Mediterranean.

sv Mabi Two was created by Laurence Camillo
Vicolo degli Archi 1, 07020 Porto Cervo (SS) Sardinia - Italy
Tel. +39.0789.92550 - Fax +39.0789.94354
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